Orange Corners Innovation Fund (OCIF)

OCIF is an add-on to the Orange Corners incubation and acceleration programmes. This access to finance instrument provides Orange Corners entrepreneurs in Africa, the Middle East and Southeast Asia with their first seed funding, allowing them to truly develop their idea into a product or proposition ready to enter the market. OCIF is currently available in 9 countries and regions. As of 2025, OCIF will expand to include all current Orange Corners hubs, plus Tunisia.

OCIF consists of 2 tracks.

Track 1:

  • Is available to most entrepreneurs of the Orange Corners incubation and acceleration programmes in the OCIF countries;
  • Is granted as a prototype voucher and monthly allowance;
  • Is up to €5,000,- per entrepreneur

Track 2:

  • 3-5 entrepreneurs are selected at the end of each cohort by means of a pitch competition, assessed by an expert jury;
  • Gives access per entrepreneur to a maximum amount of €50,000 startup seed funding, consisting of partly a grant and partly a loan;
  • Offers besides seed funding, further business development support for a period of 12 – 18 months.
Kingdom of the Netherlands