Knowledge to Knowledge (K2K)

Good education and training are vital to improve the prospects of youth. Together with our implementing partners, we have set up several Knowledge to Knowledge (K2K) programmes, in which we connect Dutch experts and entrepreneurial expertise to knowledge institutes in Orange Corners countries. Together, we ensure the education of today meets the requirements of the job market tomorrow.

Our K2K programmes have main pillars. Firstly, we co-create new, more practical entrepreneurship education, integrating Dutch state-of-the art expertise and local insights. This includes incoming missions where ministers of education, deans, professors and teachers are able to visit and learn from their counterparts in the Netherlands. Secondly, we organise student ambassador events so that students are exposed to practical stories and experiences of local role models. Thirdly, we work closely together with local ministries of education to facilitate the integration of the newly developed courses nationwide.

During the last few years there is an increased interest of Dutch knowledge institutes in Africa, Asia and the Middle East. Most recently we have worked together with TU Delft, VU Amsterdam, Maastricht University and Erasmus Centre for Entrepreneurship on K2K-programmes in Algeria, Angola and DRC, amongst others.

Kingdom of the Netherlands