
The Orange Corners Jordan incubation programme aims to support 40 young Jordanian entrepreneurs per year that are past the idea stage, who built minimum viable product and have been running for one year, at least. The incubation programme offers capacity building, business development support, networking opportunity, masterclasses, coaching, and mentor sessions. Together and through active collaboration with ecosystem players and multiple private sectors, we aim to contribute towards strengthening the Jordanian startup ecosystem.

Orange Corners is an initiative of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in collaboration with iPARK and QRCE.

What Orange Corners can offer you

  • Skills development

    Collective and individual workshops on the stages of the creation of social enterprises

  • Coaching and mentoring

    Personal development week, collective workshops in soft skills, mentoring

  • Personalised follow-up

    Advisory board (strategic committee), collective

  • Events and networking

    Professional meetings, events organised by incubees

  • Accommodation and domiciliation

    Access to the incubator space, reduced price for commercial domiciliation

  1. Online application

    The application form becomes available on our website prior to the beginning of each cycle. Fill in all required fields and submit via the online application form submit button. Please make sure to check your inbox regularly to see if you are one of the 100 selected semi-finalists.

  2. Bootcamp

    The 100 semi-finalists will be invited to participate in a compulsory two-day-long bootcamp in which a jury decides who are best placed to join the incubation programme.

  3. Incubation phase

    Selection will be conducted according to the performance during the bootcamp. At the end of the bootcamp, 40 young entrepreneurs will be selected to participate in the incubation programme.

  • When can I apply?

    The application form becomes available on our website prior to the beginning of each cycle. More information will follow shortly.

  • What kind of startups are you looking for?

    Jordanian startups that are past the idea stage, who built minimum viable product and have been running for one year, at least.

Contact Orange Corners Jordan

Our partners

Want to work together?

kingdom of the netherlands logologo AstraZenecabank_al_etihad_logoRSS LogoiPARK main logoQRCE logo

Where to find us

Orange Corners Jordan 
King Hussein Business Park
Building 23,
King Abdullah II Street
Amman, Jordan
[email protected]
Kingdom of the Netherlands