Did you know that the Netherlands is the third largest agricultural exporter in the world, after the US and Brazil? Next to food products and flowers, the Netherlands exports many services and knowledge from this key sector. Participants of the recent Orange Corners Connect Days had a chance to learn in person about Wageningen University & Research (WUR)’s important work in this field as the leading knowledge institute in agriculture.
Orange Corners implementing partners and embassy staff took a deep dive into the agreeable world of agriculture and learned about various student challenges, innovation competitions and food labs the WUR engages in through various partnerships. No visit to WUR would be complete without exploring the demonstration labs and greenhouses on this expansive campus.
Thank you to Rio Pals, Mirjam Troost, Pascal Spijker, Bente Meindertsma, Marjan de Jong and all other colleagues involved for this education visit. Food for thought indeed!